song of earthroot

feature documentary

Song of Earthroot is a feature-length documentary that centers on Kinh T. Vu, a Vietnamese American queer music education professor, who was adopted at the end of the American War in Vietnam. We follow Kinh as he returns to Saigon, Vietnam for the 37th time in 11 years as he reclaims his story by writing his first song, titled “Viet Nam Xin Loi” (I’m Sorry, Vietnam).

This story is not about an adoptee’s search for birth parents, blood belonging, or adopted belonging. Nor is it about the “heroism” of the West for saving kids via adoption - that white saviorism is best left for another author. Instead, this film is a yearn to re-assimilate and reconnect to roots, even in his middle age. Kinh attempts a rejection of the Western socialization forced upon him when he was adopted, paired with much deeper reluctance or perhaps inability to do so. There is guilt, driven by shame. There is delusion, driven by ego. There is the universal struggle to self actualize desperately as he grows older but fights to remain young at heart. Through song and conversation, we follow Kinh as he writes what he feels is the last piece of the puzzle before he can get a one way ticket to return Home.


This project begins when we meet with Kinh T. Vu, who wants to tell his story in documentary form. In a series of pre-interviews we untangle his story and find our angle, for us to follow him on his most recent of trips back to Vietnam and write his first song.

Through song and conversation, we work through Kinh’s story and understand how his story came to be. In its process, this film has become incredibly dear to us, as it reflects our own search for home, belonging, and growth.